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"The three common mistakes leaders make when giving feedback and how you can avoid them"


Transform your feedback conversations


Do you dread having feedback conversations – or maybe it’s just certain ones?


Do you get frustrated when people agree to do things differently… but then don’t?


Can your feedback conversations result in people getting defensive or even resistant?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I feel your pain.  Giving feedback can be some of the trickiest conversations you need to have as a leader.  It’s no surprise that it usually comes up as a development area in the leadership coaching and training that I do with my clients.  Yet, when these conversations go well, they can be fulfilling, empowering and even serve to build trust.

In my years of coaching, training and researching this topic I’ve seen time and again some common mistakes that leaders unwittingly make when it comes to giving feedback.  I’ve also seen that when you stop doing these and put in place some proven strategies you can transform not just these conversations but also performance.  In this guide you’ll find the three most common mistakes leaders make and how you can avoid them.

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Michelle Dalley has been a professional leadership and resilience Coach & Trainer for over ten years.

She has coached hundreds of clients to improve their ability to lead themselves and to lead and influence others. Michelle is trained and certified in a number of powerful coaching and training modalities that she uses to help her clients transform their communication and behaviour including BravaTrak High Performance Coaching, Conversational Intelligence™, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Transforming Communication™, DiSC Profiling and more. She loves to study psychology and neuroscience and keeps her finger on the pulse of the latest developments.

Michelle has trained and coached many leaders to develop their ability to effectively coach and give feedback to their people. This is an area that she’s particularly passionate about, due to the often-challenging nature of these conversations. She’s been invited to speak on this topic with various leadership and HR groups.

Prior to becoming a coach and trainer Michelle worked in the corporate world as an Operations Manager and occasional Project Manager for over 12 years. In these roles, she needed to develop her own ability to have feedback conversations and has learned through both study and her own experience what works and what doesn’t.

This quick guide gives you an overview of the three mistakes leaders commonly make when giving feedback and how you can avoid them. It’s supported by research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and leadership.

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